
The directory structure for an extension is simple enough, given the command:

php ext_skel.php \
  --ext Hdi \

The structure below will be created:

 ├─ tests/          # Code tests directory
 │  ├─ 001.phpt     # Test skeleton
 │  ├─ 002.phpt     # Test skeleton
 │  └─ 003.phpt     # Test skeleton
 ├─ .gitignore      # Patterns to be ignored by git
 ├─ config.m4       # Code that will be imported by the configure script during build
 ├─ hdi.c           # Actual extension code
 ├─ hdi.stub.php    # Stub file that will be used to generate the "hdi_arginfo.h" file
 ├─ hdi_arginfo.h   # Argument information header
 └─ php_hdi.h       # Extension registration header (module entry)

From Zend's chapter "2. Generating a PHP Extension Skeleton":

  • config.m4 is an extension configuration script used by "phpize" or "buildconf" to add extension configuration options into the "configure" command.
  • php_hdi.h is a C header file that contains our common extension definitions. It's not necessary for simple extensions with a single-source C file, but it's useful in case the implementation is spread among few files.
  • hdi.c is the main extension implementation source. It defines all the structures that allow to plug the extension into PHP and make all their internal functions, classes and constants to be available.


This stub file will be parsed by gen_stub.php and as result, the hdi_arginfo.h is generated/updated.

Note that not all PHP constructs are supported by gen_stub.php, in each chapter additional instructions for what to include and what not to include in the stub file will be outlined.


This header file is automatically generated/updated by the build process and should not be manually editted.

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