
Userland PHP Code Snippet

The code below shows how a class would be declared in userland PHP code.

class Hdi {

Internal PHP Code

The following sections show all required code to declare a class internally in PHP.

PHP Stub (hdi.stub.php)

The stub file is used to declare the class signature:

  • namespace (global)
  • name (Hdi)
class Hdi {}

Argument Information (hdi_arginfo.h)

This file is generated during compilation, based on the stub file contents.

Header File (hdi.h)

In this file, a pointer to a zend_class_entry must be declared for the defined class:

  extern zend_class_entry *zceHdi;

Implementation (hdi.c)

The implementation below is elaborated and each part has its own purpose, as shown below:

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